
Benefits of hiring chemical dosing systems

Download our white paper to find out the benefits of hiring containerised chemical dosing plant and equipment.  It highlights how water companies can manage short to medium term requirements for emergency breakdowns or planned maintenance and refurbishment. Hiring the latest chemical dosing technology, designed as stand-alone systems ready for immediate

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Successful external audit for WES Ltd by Achilles UVDB

WES Group, the UK’s leading designer, developer and manufacturer of chemical dosing  systems, is pleased to announce that the company has achieved another successful external audit from Achilles UVDB. Carried out in early December 2017 at the WES Basingstoke HQ, the audit included both HQ and jobsite visits to assess

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New Hire Service From WES Group Cuts the Cost of Chemical Dosing

WES Group, one of the UK’s leading designers, developers and manufacturers of chemical dosing technology, has expanded its service for the short to medium term hire of containerised chemical dosing systems. The new hire service, based on fully integrated systems, ready for immediate installation, has been introduced to meet growing

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Top Tips for… Chemical Dosing

Chemical dosing is a critical element of water and wastewater treatment, and while most users choose to invest in their own dosing equipment, there are a number of circumstances where hiring could prove more expedient. Kevin Wheeler, Managing Director of WES Group, gives his top tips in this field.

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New hire service from WES Group cuts the cost of chemical dosing

WES Group, one of the UK’s leading designers, developers and manufacturers of chemical dosing technology, has expanded its service for the short to medium term hire of containerised chemical dosing systems.  The new hire service, based on fully integrated systems, ready for immediate installation, has been introduced to meet growing

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Congratulations to Scott Proverbs, Project Engineer

Scott has been with WES since he was a young apprentice in 2008. He finished his apprenticeship in 2012 and won the Pump Centre Young Engineer award in 2016. WES supported Scott’s decision to study a Foundation Engineering Degree in 2014 at Alton college in collaboration with the University of Portsmouth,

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Welcome to our 2 new apprentices

We are proud to announce that we have 2 new apprentice Mechanical Engineers, Philip and Shannon, supported by SETA college in Southampton. Their first 24 weeks will be at college and thereafter they will be working in our workshop with frequent visits by a SETA representative to grade projects and set

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The new Mayflower Water Treatment Works, currently under construction, is the flagship project in South West Water’s 2015-2020 business plan. The new works will replace the outdated treatment works at Crownhill in Plymouth and provide a secure, high-quality drinking water supply to more than ¼ million customers across the wider

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WES Hire Department reacts again

Following a call from Thames Water regarding a problem at Aldershot Sewage Treatment Works, WES Hire Department reacted and within 72 hours mobilised 2 x 5000 litre tanks which will be linked to provide 10,000 litres capacity of ferric sulphate together with dosing equipment to temporarily replace an existing, aging system. This

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Six of the best!

WES delivered a successful project in late 2016 to design, build, install and commission complete SeaQuest dosing systems at 5 separate sites for South East Water. SeaQuest is a proprietary product which treats corrosion and associated iron discolouration in drinking water networks. The WES systems were designed as fully containerised

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Les Bunce

Hire & Service Director

Les Bunce is Hire & Service Director. He leads the WES Hire Business responsible for managing the supply of our Temporary Chemical Dosing hire fleet on both a planned and emergency basis. Les has over 25 years’ experience in the hire industry and fully understands our customers’ hire requirements.

Patrick Fisher

Projects Director

Patrick Fisher is Projects Director. He leads the business stream responsible for project management, design, engineering, manufacture and delivery of “Capital project” chemical dosing systems. A degree qualified engineer with over 10 years’ experience working in fluid delivery solutions to the water, general industrial, petrochemical, and food & beverage industries.

Matt Haines

Business Assurance Manager

Matt Haines is the Business Assurance Manager, responsible for leading the business support and corporate services team to ensure that the business has what it needs to deliver safely and efficiently for the customer. Matt also runs the WES Academy, delivering chemical dosing and water industry training . A Chartered Quality Professional specialising in process improvement and with over 10 years experience in nuclear, aerospace and medical devices.

Ian Price

Dosing Products Business Manager

Ian Price is WES Dosing Products Business Manager, leading the business stream responsible for delivering a wide range of standardised chemical dosing packages, ad-hoc dosing needs and ‘off the shelf’ dosing products & solutions. A mechanical engineer with over 20 years’ experience in fluid handling solutions into the water, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food & beverage markets.

Jamie Cole

Operations Director

Jamie Cole is Operations Director. Jamie joined the business in 2018 bringing career long experience in a variety of operational roles – including service delivery to the property and utilities sectors. Jamie is responsible for the management of all operational activities of the business including the repair, maintenance & refurbishment business stream, and our site installation and workshop manufacturing teams. Jamie also forms part of the senior management team of WES.

Graham Ward

Business Development Director

Graham Ward is Sales and Marketing Director. His extensive experience includes a number of senior roles working for various SMEs and large organisations in the water, power generation, petrochemical, marine and food & beverage industries. As a qualified marine engineer, Graham has established his career in Sales and Business Development and is responsible for the business development, marketing and sales of systems, products and services across WES.

Carl Millington

Non-Exec Director

Carl joined WES as Non-Exec chairman following an appointment via the Business Growth Service to assist the business with growth strategy. A highly experienced Business Mentor, Coach, Managing Director & Non-Exec Chairman, having led product, manufacturing, contracting and service provider businesses for nearly 30 years. A strong track record of market, sales and profit growth within a diverse range of sectors.

Core competencies include business growth strategies, board & business leadership, strategic planning, sales & marketing management, P&L & balance sheet management, acquisitions, divestments, outsourcing, TUPE transfer, mentoring & coaching.

Kevin Wheeler

Managing Director

Kevin Wheeler is Managing Director. Kevin trained as an Engineer at the Royal Aircraft Establishment and joined the business in 1989. Kevin now leads the Board of Directors setting strategy and defining priorities to meet the business objectives & growth aspirations whilst adding experience to technical issues where required.