
chemical dosing hire pumps tanks and bunds

Overcoming the pain points

Leonardo da Vinci, the world-renowned artist and engineer, said ‘wisdom is the daughter of experience’. So, with this in mind, here is some food for thought for those looking to overcome those all too frequent specification and installation pain points, based on the WES team’s extensive experience in this field:

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Cyber Essentials Certification

WES has successfully gained Cyber Essentials Certification for its IT systems and practices. Cyber Essentials is a government backed scheme and confirms our commitment to security of our data and protection against the most common cyber threats.

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WES Announces Partnership with RSE

Basingstoke headquartered chemical dosing specialists WES Ltd today announced an equity investment by leading Scottish engineering group, RSE. Directors Kevin Wheeler and Bob Cook will remain with the business and look to realise the benefits of becoming part of a larger group with complementary skillsets. WES Managing Director Kevin Wheeler welcomed the partnership

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Coronavirus – Service levels and our response *UPDATED*

Further to our previous update, we can confirm that WES has begun a phased and managed return to optimum capacity. We have fully reviewed our facilities and working practices in line with the working guidelines published by the government and can confirm we are “Covid-secure” in this respect. The following

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Peace of mind with quick turnaround

When it comes to chemical dosing systems, more and more water and wastewater businesses are using the option of hired in services. In these difficult times, choosing a provider that can meet even unexpected demands, quickly, is essential. The reasons businesses choose to hire chemical dosing systems are many and

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It’s All Hands to the Pump During Covid19

During these challenging times, WES Ltd, has been doing its bit to help support local charities by manufacturing and delivering hand sanitiser to them. The first batch was delivered to Basingstoke Voluntary Action this week and has been well received by the staff there. Focused on developing and supporting the voluntary sector in and around

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Coronavirus – Service levels and our response

During this unprecedented period, the company is committed to providing an optimum level of service whilst complying with public health guidelines and ensuring the welfare of our employees. The following provides a summary of the current service levels across our activities/departments: Head office Open and manned by a skeleton team

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Coronavirus – Service levels and our response

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WES Ltd appoints new Sales and Marketing Director

WES is delighted to announce the appointment of Graham Ward as Sales and Marketing Director. Graham’s extensive experience includes a number of senior roles working for various SMEs and large organisations in the water, power generation, petrochemical, marine and food & beverage industries. As a qualified marine engineer, Graham has established his career in Sales and Business Development

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WES creates a great chemical reaction from the Scouts

The Scout Association (Scouts) is a fantastic organisation providing young people with a huge range of interesting opportunities and experiences. The children, from Beavers through to Explorers, get to see and do things far beyond what the school curriculum offers or even everyday life. This was certainly the case last

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Another successful Achilles audit for WES

In mid-November, WES underwent a formal Achilles Utilities Vendor Database (UvDB) assessment.  For the 3rd year running, we passed with an exceptionally high score – 99% for activity in our main facility in Basingstoke, and 100% on the customer worksite that was selected for audit.  Kevin Wheeler, WES MD, commented on

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WES Ltd achieves exceptional results in the UVDB audit

A recent Audit of WES Ltd by Achilles shows outstanding results for Health & Safety, Environment, Quality and Corporate Social. We have secured another outstanding result in the Achilles UVDB B2 Audit. UVDB (Utilities Vendor Database) is the utility industry’s pre-qualification system, used by almost all buyers in the sector

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Les Bunce

Hire & Service Director

Les Bunce is Hire & Service Director. He leads the WES Hire Business responsible for managing the supply of our Temporary Chemical Dosing hire fleet on both a planned and emergency basis. Les has over 25 years’ experience in the hire industry and fully understands our customers’ hire requirements.

Patrick Fisher

Projects Director

Patrick Fisher is Projects Director. He leads the business stream responsible for project management, design, engineering, manufacture and delivery of “Capital project” chemical dosing systems. A degree qualified engineer with over 10 years’ experience working in fluid delivery solutions to the water, general industrial, petrochemical, and food & beverage industries.

Matt Haines

Business Assurance Manager

Matt Haines is the Business Assurance Manager, responsible for leading the business support and corporate services team to ensure that the business has what it needs to deliver safely and efficiently for the customer. Matt also runs the WES Academy, delivering chemical dosing and water industry training . A Chartered Quality Professional specialising in process improvement and with over 10 years experience in nuclear, aerospace and medical devices.

Ian Price

Dosing Products Business Manager

Ian Price is WES Dosing Products Business Manager, leading the business stream responsible for delivering a wide range of standardised chemical dosing packages, ad-hoc dosing needs and ‘off the shelf’ dosing products & solutions. A mechanical engineer with over 20 years’ experience in fluid handling solutions into the water, petrochemical, pharmaceutical and food & beverage markets.

Jamie Cole

Operations Director

Jamie Cole is Operations Director. Jamie joined the business in 2018 bringing career long experience in a variety of operational roles – including service delivery to the property and utilities sectors. Jamie is responsible for the management of all operational activities of the business including the repair, maintenance & refurbishment business stream, and our site installation and workshop manufacturing teams. Jamie also forms part of the senior management team of WES.

Graham Ward

Business Development Director

Graham Ward is Sales and Marketing Director. His extensive experience includes a number of senior roles working for various SMEs and large organisations in the water, power generation, petrochemical, marine and food & beverage industries. As a qualified marine engineer, Graham has established his career in Sales and Business Development and is responsible for the business development, marketing and sales of systems, products and services across WES.

Carl Millington

Non-Exec Director

Carl joined WES as Non-Exec chairman following an appointment via the Business Growth Service to assist the business with growth strategy. A highly experienced Business Mentor, Coach, Managing Director & Non-Exec Chairman, having led product, manufacturing, contracting and service provider businesses for nearly 30 years. A strong track record of market, sales and profit growth within a diverse range of sectors.

Core competencies include business growth strategies, board & business leadership, strategic planning, sales & marketing management, P&L & balance sheet management, acquisitions, divestments, outsourcing, TUPE transfer, mentoring & coaching.

Kevin Wheeler

Managing Director

Kevin Wheeler is Managing Director. Kevin trained as an Engineer at the Royal Aircraft Establishment and joined the business in 1989. Kevin now leads the Board of Directors setting strategy and defining priorities to meet the business objectives & growth aspirations whilst adding experience to technical issues where required.